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Full body compound moves

2 months ago




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50 Credits
This workout is great for anyone. You can pull up a chair to assist your balance. You can increase the reps from 10 to 12 or 15. Be sure to warm up first. You can use this warm up or your own. Start with 10-15 reps on each side with an alternating lunge and row. Toes face forward. Don't allow knees to go beyond toes. Keep weight in your heels. Pull your elbows up towards the ceiling. Squeeze your shoulder in towards your spine. Next either 30 seconds or perform 10-15 reps for a one-arm overhead squat. Choose a heavier weight for this and watch your knee on the way down. Next use a light or medium resistance band around the sole of your right foot. Hold it tight in your right hand and lower bending at your hip crease for a 1-leg deadlift. Do 10-15. Now repeat the overhead squat and deadlift on other side. Next perform bear crawl. Either 30 seconds timed or 10 to 15 reps. Keep those knees low. Back straight and head lifted. Finally do 10-15 reps from a bridge to a crunch. Cool down.