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Red Carpet Runway Workout

1 year ago



Interval Training

Training price
100 Credits
The Red Carpet Runway Workout targets the six areas that see the spotlight the most: back of the arms for sleeveless dresses, front of the arms for clutching your bag, calves for short skirts, upper back for backless attire, shoulders for halter dresses and abdominals for a tight tummy pose. NikkiFitness uses her signature multitasking toning moves like "Reach for the Stars" and "Martini Shaker" to also lift your chest and tighten your butt, thighs and abs, while cutting workout time in half. The plyometric cardio intervals slim the areas over the newly sculpted muscles. Nikki also provides her posing tips and a quick warm-up and stretch. To get you in the mood for your Red Carpet Party, you have the option to choose a different playlist every time you work out.