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Booty Camp

7 months ago




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50 Credits
The NikkiFitness Booty Camp is a 30-minute multitasking toning and cardio interval workout that will sculpt your entire body and boost your metabolism while focusing on your glutes (the booty) with every move. "Why stand still and do bicep curls, then put down your weights to do a new set of moves for your backside when you could do them both together and add in the abs? "Glor asks. "Multitasking cuts your workout time in half so you are more likely to fit in your fitness." Interval training, interspersing cardiovascular aerobics moves between muscle sets, is known to boost metabolism, so she threw intervals in as well. That's not all that is different. You won’t see a bunch of women jumping around in a studio to elevator music. The video has been shot in multiple scenic outdoor locations to keep exercising the mind. The NikkiFitness line of video give users the ability to set their own soundtracks every day. Bonus yoga and stretch at the end!