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30 Min Standing ABS and Functional Core Workout

1 year ago
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Low Impact


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Hey everyone! I'm super excited to share my latest workout video with you: "30 Min Standing ABS and Functional Core Workout." This is not just another ab routine – it's a game-changer for anyone looking to strengthen their core without having to get down on the floor. In this 30-minute session, we'll focus on standing exercises that target your abs and core, using a 6kg dumbbell. But remember, you can absolutely choose a weight that feels right for you. Regardless of your fitness level, this workout is designed to be adaptable. Why is this workout so special? Well, it's all about functionality. By standing, we're not only working our abs but also improving our balance and posture. This means the benefits go beyond just getting stronger abs; it's about enhancing our overall fitness and how we move in our daily lives. Quick note: there's no warm-up or cooldown included, so make sure you add them on your own.